(508) 322-1291 admin@caperepair.com

Need a Computer Repaired?




About Us


We are a small company based out of Bourne Massachussets and service the entirety of Cape Cod. Our team has worked in the tech field for many years and are looking to pass on some of our expertise!

We specialize in many different areas, but are primarily focused on Tech consulting, computer repair, server maintenance and repair, camera system installations, audio equipment installations, website design and general tech questions. We would love to take on your project or advise you on what hardware to buy!

Quick Onsite Repair

We cover homes and business all throughout Cape Cod and can be dispatched in as little as an hour.

Over the Phone Diagnosing and Consultation

We offer over the phone consultation and diagnostics to help solve your problems quickly so you can get back to whats important!

Get Your Devices Fixed Quickly

Get your devices fixed in as quick as 48 hours by our expert technicians.

Try One of Our Home Repair Kits

Cracked Screen

Phone Screen Replacement


Phone Battery Replacement


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DIY Repair Videos

Video Tutorials

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What Our Customers Are Saying


“Fast, efficiently, and affordable. Ben was incredible nice and was able to diagnose and fix my WIFI issue in minutes!”

– Mike




Need PC Help? Contact Us Today!